Ag Women Are Strong

This year on “Woman’s Day”…women all over the country took a day off and marched in the streets. They were protesting that President Trump does not listen to women. Strange because I think his brilliant wife who is very accomplished in her own right, and his daughter have his ear probably more than any other advisors.

They say it is about gender inequality but is it really?

I was raised with the knowledge, and I am a firm believer that women are special. We are not only strong in our daily lives but we are often the strength of a family. We support our husbands, children both financially, physically, spiritually, and with our all of our heart. We have attributes that make us so special that we women …and only women can give birth. Without us the population on this planet is doomed.

I have never understood this whining about equality. It may be because I grew up in the Equality state (Wyoming) or that I was raised on a ranch where I had way more equality than I wanted most often. I equally got the night shift to check heifers, or had to open the gate if I was sitting by the passenger door of the pickup, or worked my butt of in the hay field, just the same as my brothers.

I have never been paid less than a man for the same job. I don’t know anyone that is paid less than a male counterpart. This again I believe is a coastal issue, and is not found in the heartland.

I am so tired of hearing about all these issues people have over, gender, race and age.  You are who you are and you should be judged by your accomplishments and your moral character.  If you strive to work hard, and be a good person by treating others fairly then you have done your part.

I can’t see that any amount of marching, whining, or protesting will really make others see you for who you are. However if you work harder than anyone in your department, or office and you treat your family and co-workers with respect and kindness…… well you figure it out.

Women that I have known in my life, and that were role models for me are strong and giving women. They could work in the fields alongside their husbands and family, and make the flakiest pie crusts for supper and are the glue that holds the family together in any and all times of heartbreak or crisis.  They not only worked harder than most men outside but generally were almost singularly tasked to keep the house, do the laundry and fix the meals their families enjoyed, and were the spiritual stewards of their family.

If this is not equality then I don’t know what is.  So if these whiney women, are feeling so oppressed then they need to stay busier. Get out and work in the yard, volunteer or learn a new skill. Stop worrying about something that you shouldn’t want to change. You are a woman you are strong, and can do many special things that make you revered in many cultures including our agricultural culture.

I really think it boils down to one thing….people always think the grass is greener on the other side of the fence.  I am so proud to be a woman, and a rancher. I am proud to be a part of growing food for people in this country, and I am proud to take care of my family. Oh ya I also volunteer several days a month and still find time to work on this project and joined our rural fire department and plan on spending a good deal of my summer fighting fires wherever I am needed.

So stop whining, and marching and better yourself and the rest will fall in line.



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