Value Added Marketing Sheep-Part 1

We are starting our value added marketing series with sheep.  Sheep and wool are an agricultural product dating back to early biblical times.  In fact one of my favorite bible verses is Proverbs 31:13  She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight. Sheep come in many different flavors a friend of mine used to say. There are over one thousand sheep breeds worldwide. You must first know what your goals are then you can pick your sheep breed. For instance if you are breeding...

Hopes for 2017

Another year has come and gone. The agricultural community has taken many hits over the last few years in regulations, bad press and declining producers. Personally I have been very busy but have really declined in my goals of posting on this site. I have set some new and very exciting goals for myself, and my operation. One of my biggest goals is to be able to work with producers and find a way for them to market their small farm products in an efficient and equitable way direct to consum...

What’s In a Niche Farm

  Niche Farming There are many things that you can grow that are considered specialty products. When you are first starting out it is always best to specialize in something that is not readily available in your area. It will also promote your status to semi-expert right away. For example:  There are 3 greenhouses in a 50 mile radius of your home. The are your standard greenhouses and have been in business for years.  You could not compete very well as they have a solid customer bas...

Yes, you can live the life you love.

    Are you doing what you love? That is a very powerful question and one that deserves much thought. Most people would immediately think about their job, or career. This is a very great part of our lives, and many people spend more time at their job than with their family or other pursuits. However what I want you to think about is the entire scope of your life. Your family, your recreation, your lifestyle, and yes your work as well. Do you have the time to do things you enjoy...

Welcome Again

We lost our site and everything on it, so we begin again. Welcome to My Small Farm Expert. This is a site for people who want to farm, and have small acreages or even just a back yard. We discuss on this site things about growing your own business that is of an agricultural basis. If you are interested in farming we would love to hear from you.  We want this to be a place that you can come for advice, and ask your questions. We put together workshops and have several clinics as well as con...