Losing 40 Acres of Ag Land Per Hour

I read a statistic today that has me totally on fire with more determination than ever to get the word out, and to help small farmers succeed. That statistic was from American Farmland Trust. The statistic they posted on their website was that over 40 acres of U. S. farm and ranch land are lost every hour. This loss is due to urban spreading, and development. I know this to be true, I watched Denver, Phoenix, and Las Vegas the last few years take more and more land and put houses, shopping ce...

Hacking and Your Operation

    So this website was hacked again last week. I spent a lot of time working to get it fixed, and finally went to Fivver and hired an expert to fix it for me as I was incredibly busy doing some other things. Here is what I learned from this experience; I need to have better security on my website I spent several hours working on fixing it, so I wouldn't lose all the previous content again which was a huge waste of time. I am not an expert in this area I shou...

Different But The Same

First of all let me apologize for my long absence. I have spent much of the summer fighting fire, mostly in the North West. I signed on last year to be a wild land fire fighter, after a fire near our  property made me feel helpless because I just had to watch and not help. When I was a kid, many, many years ago.... everyone in the area would go fight fire, bringing whatever tools and resources they could.  We would pack shovels, picks, gunny sacks, water and take off. The ladies in the ar...

The Big Grocery Lie

This week I have been working crazily doing lots of research. I want to tackle something very wrong with our whole grocery marketing system. Prices continue to go up and never come back down. I am calling it the big grocery lie! All producers understand that there are many different times when there are shortages of a farm commodity. We as small producers are extremely susceptible to these problems in our operations. We know that a hail can come through, or grasshoppers, or even limited amoun...

Value Added Marketing On Steroids !!!

So we have been talking about value added marketing for the last few months.  There are many great, tried and true ideas to market your products, however..... they all take time away from your operation, your mind off of your production, and a hefty chunk out of your bottom line. I want to introduce you today to a process that is so awesome I am recommending it to many of my clients, and heck I am totally on board myself.  If I can sell my lambs, cattle and everything I make at home for more ...

Ag Women Are Strong

This year on "Woman's Day"...women all over the country took a day off and marched in the streets. They were protesting that President Trump does not listen to women. Strange because I think his brilliant wife who is very accomplished in her own right, and his daughter have his ear probably more than any other advisors. They say it is about gender inequality but is it really? I was raised with the knowledge, and I am a firm believer that women are special. We are not only strong in our dai...