Value Added Marketing On Steroids !!!

So we have been talking about value added marketing for the last few months.  There are many great, tried and true ideas to market your products, however..... they all take time away from your operation, your mind off of your production, and a hefty chunk out of your bottom line. I want to introduce you today to a process that is so awesome I am recommending it to many of my clients, and heck I am totally on board myself.  If I can sell my lambs, cattle and everything I make at home for more ...

Ag Women Are Strong

This year on "Woman's Day"...women all over the country took a day off and marched in the streets. They were protesting that President Trump does not listen to women. Strange because I think his brilliant wife who is very accomplished in her own right, and his daughter have his ear probably more than any other advisors. They say it is about gender inequality but is it really? I was raised with the knowledge, and I am a firm believer that women are special. We are not only strong in our dai...