Value Added Gardening

It is that time of year when the weather is warming up enough that you get the itch to be outside and growing things. I think it is a part of us to want to grow our food. This year I want you to think about what value added gardening can do for your bottom line. Many of us start our own seeds and grow them to a seedling and plant in our gardens. What if you planted twice or three times what you need, and sell the rest at either a stand or online?  This would right away make you start out in t...

Value Added Sheep Part 3 -Wool

Value Added Marketing Sheep 3 This is the last in our Value Added Marketing sheep series.  We are going to talk about value added marketing wool products. This is one of my favorite topics, and I tend to ramble about wool. I am an accomplished hand spinner, and wool hoarder, as my husband often tells me. I love wool. I love that there are so many different natural colors, textures, grades and so much you can do with it. As I said before I am a spinner so I have been value adding wool fo...

Value Added Marketing Sheep-Part 1

We are starting our value added marketing series with sheep.  Sheep and wool are an agricultural product dating back to early biblical times.  In fact one of my favorite bible verses is Proverbs 31:13  She looks for wool and flax And works with her hands in delight. Sheep come in many different flavors a friend of mine used to say. There are over one thousand sheep breeds worldwide. You must first know what your goals are then you can pick your sheep breed. For instance if you are breeding...