Value Added Marketing On Steroids !!!

So we have been talking about value added marketing for the last few months.  There are many great, tried and true ideas to market your products, however….. they all take time away from your operation, your mind off of your production, and a hefty chunk out of your bottom line.

I want to introduce you today to a process that is so awesome I am recommending it to many of my clients, and heck I am totally on board myself.  If I can sell my lambs, cattle and everything I make at home for more money than trudging to the farmers market twice a week….woot! WOOT!!

That means at least two days a week, sometimes more depending on where I plan on selling….I can instead stay home and make more product, and take care of building my empire.  This not only saves me hundreds of hours by the time summer is over, but gas, wear and tear on my body and my vehicle with all the loading, toting and packing.

I don’t have to pay booth rent, I don’t have to sit for endless hours in the hot sun with only a few people roaming about. I don’t have to ruin product in a freak wind, or thunduerstorm. I don’t have to have too much product that will go to waste, or two little and bemoan my bad luck that the sheep got out and instead of spending an extra 2 hours harvesting or baking the night before, I was rounding up the errant sheep and fixing the fence.

No this is something that is amazing, and easy and will have you humming all day long around your garden patch.

You know me I am going to keep you in suspense a bit longer….I have some serious questions to ask you, or rather you read them to yourself.

Do you want to be able to grow your farm business?

Do you want to be able to be your own boss full time?

Would you like to produce enough to supply your bank account?

Would you like to have a clear idea of how much you should grow or raise to not be wasted, and earn a profit on each crop?

Conversely would you like your banker to take you seriously enough to loan you the money for that new greenhouse, water line or a few more head of cows?

These are all problems facing most small farm or ranch businesses. Not quite big enough to be full time, not quite small enough that it counts as a second job.  Financial institutions call you a hobby and can’t really see the balance sheets adding up.

You know ( or should know if you have been paying attention) what your operation costs to produce what you are currently, marketing.

You know what amount would be possible to grow if only you could market everything you grow.

Well here is what I am talking about…..finally.

A farm to table company is looking for small farmers to contract with them for a reasonable price…which is based on area and region.

They will pay a fair market price…not farmers market price but above what your cost of production is. They will work with you so that you can increase your production which will lower your cost of production.

You will know how much of each crop you can sell each month.

You will know how much you will be getting for your produce in advance of the delivery.

You will be paid each week following delivery.

You will deliver or make arrangements for delivery once a week within 100 miles of your farm. It will take about 3 hours of your time.

You can up your production or offer more produce as you are able to provide it.

This company cares about seeing that you the producer is taken care of right.

Oh and did I mention there is a profit sharing plan? The more you produce the more you make on the monthly profit share.


Then don’t wait go  and fill out the survey information and someone will get in touch with you.Go Here Now!

 I am so excited about this opportunity. They are expanding as fast as they can due to the demand,  and may not quite be available in your area but they are planning to be in most areas of the US and Canada by November of 2017. Get signed up and your name on the list to be a preferred producer.

Below is a list of products they are looking for. If you have or can grow more than one, that is a bonus and sustainability for you.

They will need products year round, so if you are lucky enough to live in an area where you can grow year round, or have a greenhouse, aquaponic set up or are thinking about it be sure to list that in the comments. The more information you give….the better for your business.

  • All Classes of meat
  • Beef
  • Grassfed Beef
  • Pork
  • Chicken
  • Lamb
  • Goat

Dairy Products

  • Milk
  • Cheese
  • Butter


Fresh Produce

Every vegetable and lots of them




Preserves & Jellies

Sauces and Marinades

Dog Food or Biscuits

Absolutely any food stuff that you can make safely for re-sale.  They are working to find commercial kitchens in most areas that will allow you to rent and prepare safe wholesome food.

No Preservatives…. They want fresh wholesome food, that can be delivered on a weekly basis.








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